Our Incredible


  • Pam Andersen

    Pam has been a student of yoga for nearly two decades and through all of life’s ups and downs has found a steadfast balance and presence when attending to and nurturing her own practice.

    Pam is certified through the 200 hour Registered Yoga Alliance Teacher Training Program through the Yoga Teacher’s Lab in New Orleans at Wild Lotus Yoga Soul School. Pam’s extensive music training, teaching and work as a board certified music therapist offers her a unique perspective when guiding Bhakti yoga practices infused with song, mantra, poetry and creative movement.

    Pam is intuitive and guides her classes with compassion and empathy, and has a profound desire to nurture each student's experience.

  • Kelsey Beine, RYT-500

    Kelsey brings a vibrant and calming spirit to the practice of yoga. She believes strongly that every person is full of light and peace at their core, and seeks to guide them to experience this serenity through mindful movement and breath work.

    After completing trainings at the Fond du Lac Center for Spirituality and Healing, Inner Sun, and Costa Yoga (Costa Rica), Kelsey is certified to teach meditation, aerial, hatha, restorative, vinyasa, and yin yoga.

  • Deb Sommerhalder

    I am blessed to be the wife of a loving, supportive husband of 46 years, the mother of two beautiful grown daughters and grandmother of two adorable, funny little boys. Biking and walking in nature, exploring new places and simply reading a good book are just a few of the things that bring me great joy as I ease into the next phase of my life of less work and more play.

    Yoga has been a big part of my life for over 20 years and my practice has helped me learn to live in the moment, be strong and fearless, and most of all to love myself and others unconditionally. I teach authentically with compassion, sharing my knowledge from trainings and experiences, inviting my students to use their intuition and explore their practice at their own pace. Through breath, movement, meditation and sound, I love to create an inspiring, nurturing, safe practice that encourages growth of the physical and spiritual self and is accessible for all.

    My passion for music and sound began as a child and it has stayed with me ever since. I love to sing and dance to pretty much all kinds of music. I find that chanting and singing uplifts my heart and mind to the joy and endless opportunities that life offers. I am so grateful for my teachers of "bhakti" yoga, sound journeys, voice, instruments and the Peter Hess Method and I love sharing the healing benefits of sound with you.

    After owning a physical studio space for over 18 years, I have taken a step back to have more time in my senior years for family, travel and myself. I am so thrilled to have turned the space over to Pam Andersen of StudiOm333. Pam came into my life years ago as a student and it has been such a gift to be part of her journey on the "bhaki" path. She is a wonderful teacher, friend and mentor and I know she will continue the mission of Inner Sun Yoga with her dedication and love for the yoga community. I will still be teaching yoga, offering sound massage, yoga privates and specialty workshops at 711 Oregon St. and collaborating with Pam to offer a space for you to open your heart or "inner sun" and discover the true connection to the beauty of who you are.

    Education:/Training: To Learn more about Deb, head to www.innersunyogastudio.com

  • Monica’s journey on the Yogic Path spans over two decades. Her journey is one of self-discovery, healing, and devotion. Monica’s love for Yoga inspires all she does, on and off her mat.

    Monica is a RYT 200, she completed a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training at Yoga Hive. She is an initiate of Himalayan Kriya Yoga practices. Her firsthand experience with these transformative technologies enhances her ability to share them with her students. Monica believes “Kriya” or “evolutionary action” is a key which unlocks the door to our unlimited potential.

    Monica brings understanding and compassion to each class. She skillfully leads her students on a path of self-discovery, and offers support as they move through their practice.

“Yoga is the journey of the self,

through the self, to the self.”

- The Bhagavad Gita.